


开曼蚊子研究和控制单位(MRCU)采用综合虫害管理战略, which incorporates various methods, 包括物理, 生物, 化学控制, to mitigate mosquito nuisances and safeguard against mosquito-borne illnesses, such as malaria and dengue, prevalent in the region.

The MRCU has utilized 乐虎网’s Natular© formulations as part of their larviciding strategy for several years, yielding strong control results. As part of 乐虎网’s commitment to product stewardship, 我们的现场科学团队也与MRCU密切合作,以优化natural的操作. 

由于岛上雨季和蚊子繁殖季节的变化,MRCU开始对研究蚊子幼虫的预处理方案感兴趣. In particular, the viability of 乐虎网’s Natular G30 在产生蚊子繁殖条件的洪水和大潮汐事件发生前6周作为预处理选择. 


从历史上看, 开曼群岛有两个雨季,分别发生在5月或6月以及9月和10月. 在这两个月的时间框架内,这些雨季的实际开始可以在任何时候开始, 如何高效有效地杀灭幼虫——尤其是在那些一旦洪水泛滥就难以到达的地区——是很难制定计划的. 例如, 由于大风和大雨,飞机可能需要长达三周的时间才能到达岛上的盐沼.

The mangrove area prior to flooding conditions

为了解决这个问题, MRCU开始寻找幼虫产品的选择,当手术无法进行积极治疗时,这些产品可以兼作预处理选择,以保持卵子库的低水平. This product must also maintain effective control in harsher environments, such as salt marshes and mangrove fields, for up to six weeks before flooding. Natular G30 became a contender for this product, especially due to its pretreatment labeling and effective length of control.

换句话说,  MRCU需要知道他们是否可以在典型的雨季前4到6周使用natural G30进行处理,并且在洪水发生时仍然有效控制. 

Determining the Viability of a Mosquito Larvicide for Pretreatment

为了确定这个, MRCU和乐虎网合作确定了Natular活性成分(AI)的含量, spinosad, in weathered granules and the ability of weathered granules to control mosquito larvae.

To weather the Natular G30’s granules, 研究小组在红树林盐沼的一个典型处理区域设置了8个装满土壤的容器. 然后,研究小组用新鲜的天然G30产品对这些容器进行处理,并将它们放在暴露在雨中的地方, 阳光, and microbial degradation for six weeks, with samples taken at weekly intervals. 

The tub of soil treated with granules of Natular G30

Measuring the Amount of Spinosad in Weathered Granules

The first portion of the study was to determine whether adequate levels of Natular’s AI, spinosad, remained in the product’s granules after multiple weeks of weathering. The weathered Natular G30 product granules were collected and sent to 乐虎网’s laboratory, 在那里,他们接受了高效液相色谱法(HPLC)来确定留在颗粒中的spinosad的量. 高效液相色谱法使用溶解的A.I. 在各种溶剂中, 在这种情况下, spinosad extracted from weathered 天然G30颗粒, for a quantitative analysis of how much the component is in the sample.

Overall, fresh Natular G30 product granules contained 2.5% its spinosad active ingredient. 每个星期, a small drop in the amount of spinosad was observed, with samples containing just under 2% by week six of weathering – a decrease of 26%. 

A chart depicting the Quantification of Active Ingredients

Determining the Control Efficacy of Weathered Natular G30 Granules

从这里, 研究小组需要确定,风化后的人工智能含量是否足以有效控制洪水后的幼虫.

这样做, 乐虎网的实验室使用新鲜的Natular G30产品作为阳性对照,对风化颗粒样品进行了生物测定. 

实验室放置了5加仑的水桶,里面装满了4加仑的水,里面装着20个三星级动物 埃及伊蚊 幼虫每个. 然后每隔一周将风化的天然G30颗粒样品以每英亩9磅的G30施用量施用于这些桶中,每隔一周添加一次幼虫,共6周. 

乐虎网’s lab then recorded results at 24, 48, and 72 hours post-larval introduction. 

As seen in the chart below, 生物测定显示,无论环境暴露的时间长短,暴露在环境中5周或更长时间(最多6周)的死亡率都很好. 

A chart depicting the Bioassay Results of the weathered granules against controls

Natular G30: A Great Option for Pretreatment in the Cayman Islands

天然G30颗粒总之, the Cayman Islands face the challenge of unpredictable rainy seasons, complicating larviciding efforts. 为了解决这个问题, MRCU探索了幼虫产品的选择,这些幼虫产品可以作为有效的预处理,在无法进行积极处理的时期保持蚊子卵库的低水平. 

Natular G30 由于其预处理标记和延长的控制时间,该产品成为一个有希望的候选产品,但需要确定该产品是否可以在典型雨季前4到6周应用,并且在发生洪水时仍然保持有效控制. 

Collaborating with the MRCU, 乐虎网 took this challenge on as an extension of our commitment to product stewardship. 我们的实验室评估了风化天然颗粒中的棘糖含量及其控制蚊子幼虫的能力. Fresh 天然G30颗粒 contained 2.5% spinosad, and even after six weeks of weathering, samples retained nearly 2% of the active ingredient. 生物测定表明,接触环境长达6周的死亡率极好, regardless of exposure length. 

All of this data corroborated that Natular G30 is a great option for pretreatment in the Cayman Islands.


保护. 节约. 与乐虎网一起控制.

Need help configuring your mosquito control strategy? 乐虎网’s 场 Science team is equipped to help.
